It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly post hosted by Kathryn over at Book Date to share what you recently finished reading, what you are currently reading, and what you plan on reading next.

What I Read Last:

They All Fall Down

They All Fall Down by Tammy Cohen seemed promising from the blurb but I wasn’t blown away by this one. You can find my mini review on Goodreads.

Currently Reading: 

The Broken Girls

The Broken Girls by Simone St. James has been receiving a lot of hype on Bookstagram and I can’t wait to read more of this creepy book!

Force of Nature (Aaron Falk, #2)

Force Of Nature by Jane Harper is the second book in the Aaron Falk series. I have been dying to read this one and am so excited to be reading it as a buddy read with Julie over at Novel Thrills And Chills Review!

Up Next:

Let Me Lie

Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh has been receiving a lot of mixed reviews on Bookstagram recently! I loved both of Mackintosh’s previous books so I am curious to see what I will think of this one.



Happy Reading!


Book Review: The French Girl by Lexie Elliot

The French Girl by Lexie Elliot

Published: February 20, 2018 | Berkley 

My Rating: 4/5 stars

Goodreads Synopsis:

They were six university students from Oxford–friends and sometimes more than friends–spending an idyllic week together in a French farmhouse. It was supposed to be the perfect summer getaway–until they met Severine, the girl next door.

For Kate Channing, Severine was an unwelcome presence, her inscrutable beauty undermining the close-knit group’s loyalties amid the already simmering tensions. And after a huge altercation on the last night of the holiday, Kate knew nothing would ever be the same. There are some things you can’t forgive, and there are some people you can’t forget, like Severine, who was never seen again.

Now, a decade later, the case is reopened when Severine’s body is found in the well behind the farmhouse. Questioned along with her friends, Kate stands to lose everything she’s worked so hard to achieve as suspicion mounts around her. Desperate to resolve her own shifting memories and fearful she will be forever bound to the woman whose presence still haunts her, Kate finds herself buried under layers of deception with no one to set her free.

My Thoughts:

If you were asked to recall events that occurred ten years ago, do you think your memories would be reliable?

I have seen mixed reviews about this one on Bookstagram and Goodreads and I’m always curious to see which way I lean when this happens. Who else loves a little controversy?

The French Girl is a great debut novel by Lexie Elliot. Ten years after a group of friends are vacationing in France, a missing girl’s body is found and the case is re-opened. As the investigation progresses, relationships are revealed and memories are questioned.

The story is told from the main character’s point of view rather than the alternating perspectives that are so common to this genre. I thought it was a pleasant change from the books that I have been reading lately. I will say that this is a slower-paced story, but one that is strong in characterization. The writing is compelling and it kept me up late at night turning the pages. I wanted to know what happened and I did suspect everyone at least once throughout the story.

I really enjoyed reading The French Girl. The book that I read before this one took me on an emotional roller coaster and I was happy that this was a light, easy read. I wouldn’t recommend picking this up if you want to read a fast-paced thriller full of twists. If you are in the mood for a light suspense with strong characterization, then you should read this. I will be eagerly waiting for Lexie Elliot’s next book!

Thank you Berkley for the advance reading copy. It was my pleasure to write an honest review.